Orpington Automatic
Driving School

Best driving instructors

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Choosing a Driving Instructor - get the best

Orpington Automatic driving school looking for a driving instructor
Look here for some of the ‘Dos’ and the ‘Don’ts’ when looking for the best driving instructor..
Orpington Automatic driving school ADI badges
The difference between a good driving instructor and a bad one is huge – don’t make an expensive mistake
Orpington Automatic driving school ADI Standards check

Driving lessons green tick bullet DO – speak to someone who has recently taken driving lessons and who highly recommend a particular driving instructor. Identify the individual driving instructor, NOT the driving school. A good driving instructor should a small average number of driving lesson ‘hours to test’, (no more than 40 and preferably less than 35) and a high first time test pass rate (higher than 70%)
DON’T – presume that all driving instructors from any driving school will be of the same equality. Larger driving schools will take generally any qualified or trainee driving instructor who will pay their franchise fee, irrespective of their ability or commitment


Driving lessons green tick bulletDO – Ask a prospective driving instructor about their qualifications and experience. Decent driving instructors will be proud of their qualifications and their performance statistics. Many poor instructors will not keep/share their statistics.
A fully qualified driving instructor will display a green badge, whereas a trainee driving instructor will show a pink badge.
Ask the prospective driving instructor how long they have been teaching, their Pass-Rate (At least 75% – 80%), and DVSA Standards check grading (The best is Grade 1)
The Standards check form (left) shows a Grade A 100% Pass in all areas, awarded to our senior instructor.
DON’T – Accept the services of any driving instructor or driving school who are not willing to share details of their qualifications or performance statistics. If you choose just driving school, and not a specific driving instructor, it will just be a matter of luck as to the quality of the driving instructor you are allocated.

Large Driving School v Small Independent Driving Schools

Large driving schools often rely on attracting clients by advertising, cheap gimmicks, and their availability to attract business.
A small independent driving school must rely on quality service and reputation to compete.
Most really good driving instructors, who start with a large school, will set up their own independent driving school.
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