Orpington Automatic
Driving School

Best driving instructors

Cheapest driving courses

Shortest 'to-test' times

Why choose Orpington Automatic Driving School

Being a Learner with Orpington Automatic Driving School is the best, the cheapest and the quickest way to  become a good driver and therefore someone who will pass a driving test.

Why our driving school is the best

Driving lessons green tick bullet Orpington Automatic Driving School is an independent driving school and has been teaching people to drive for 20 years, and often the most difficult cases are referred to us
Driving lessons green tick bullet Orpington Automatic driving school has enjoyed particular successes with people with special needs and many people on the autistic spectrum, many of whom have been turned away by other driving schools
Driving lessons green tick bullet The Orpington Automatic driving school’s Senior Driving Instructor is highly qualified to drive and teach and has been training, coaching and motivating people for more than 35 years
Driving lessons green tick bullet Orpington Automatic driving school specialise in all driving and riding skills to an Advanced level
Driving lessons green tick bullet Orpington Automatic driving school have maintained driving test pass-rates nearly double the national average and a first time pass rate over 85% for many years
Driving lessons green tick bullet You can trust the highly qualified, trained and motivated driving instructors at Orpington Automatic driving school
alpha1 driving school Road to success

Why our driving school is the cheapest

alpha1 driving school are the cheapest
Orpington Automatic Driving School will get you to a successful driving test in the smallest number of hours - and therefore the cheapest overall
National Statistics v Orpington Automatic Driving School (24 months)
National average hours to successful test47.5 hrs
Our average hours to successful test28.6 hrs
National Pass Rate   47.7%
Our Driving School Pass Rate98.2 %
National average driving tests to pass3.1
Our average driving tests to pass1
  • At Orpington Automatic driving school we tailor driving lessons to the needs of clients – not ours. We consistently demonstrate the lowest number of hours to successful driving test. We do not waste your money by encouraging you to take driving tests you are unlikely to pass. We will push you at the fastest pace you can manage towards being readiness, for your driving test
  • Many Driving Instructors hold their clients back to keep them paying for lessons for longer, and will get them to take several driving tests before they have a chance at being successful
No Orpington Automatic driving instructor will do this

At Orpington Automatic Driving School our average driving lesson hours to successful test is currently (last 24 months): 28.6 hrs , the National Average (last data from DVSA) is 47.5 hrs. 

At £35/hour, with us will save you (47-29) x 35 = £630 on average saving
Orpington Automatic driving school offer similar starter deals to other driving schools. The first lesson is mostly verbal instruction (Safety and Controls) given in a car park, without the engine running, with little fuel cost; we pass the saving onto you…
  • Many driving schools operate 45 or 50 minute driving lessons so beware if they quote £/lesson rather than £/hour. This allows them to get from you to their next client by the start of the next hour but it is at the client’s expence
At Orpington Automatic driving schools, a driving lesson is always a full hour, or multiple thereof.
  • Many driving  instructors prefer single hour driving lessons. With single hours it will take many more hours to a successful driving test – they earn more money that way at your expence.
Orpington Automatic Driving School only offer at least 2 hour driving lessons, which is, by far, more cost effective than single hours and is one of the reasons for our low 'hours to test' statistics. This is because at least 10 minutes will be spent at the start of a driving lesson in the briefing etc., then it will take some time to warm up before you are getting value from the practice. Another 10 minutes at least, should be spent at the end of each lesson in feedback, marking your progress card and arranging your next driving lesson. This 'down-time' is halved in a 2 hour driving lesson than it would be for 2 single hours.

The bottom line is Orpington Automatic driving school will get you to successful test in fewer hours than other driving schools, and, because you are much more likely to pass first time, the overall cost with Automatic driving school is lower.

Why our driving school is the quickest to test

alpha1 driving school are the quickest
  • Our driving school undertake a structured strategy to get you to an early driving test. See preparation for driving test…
  • Our driving instructors offer a minimum of 2 full hours driving lessons.  This is because single hours are inefficient, we can often get as much work done in a 2 hour sessions as 3 – 4 single hours.

The bottom line is Orpington Automatic driving school will get you to successful test in fewer hours than other driving schools, and, because you are much more likely to pass first time, the overall cost with Automatic driving school is lower.

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