Orpington Automatic
Driving School

Best driving instructors

Cheapest driving courses

Shortest 'to-test' times

Intensive driving courses

Orpington Automatic Driving School is not an Intensive Driving  specialist but will accept this business when we have adequate time to offer

Please BEWARE:
Driving lessons green tick bullet many intensive driving specialist schools  require their clients to ‘car share’ – that means that you pay for all the time you are in the car, but only drive for a small proportion of it!!!
Driving lessons green tick bullet Intensive course specialists will happily take thousands of pounds for a course too intensive for you – most starter drivers will not benefit for longer than 2 – 3 hour driving lessons. They offer a ‘guaranteed pass’ which often means, when you fail a driving test, you will pay many more hundreds of pounds for additional lessons, but they will pay for the test itself..
Driving lessons green tick bullet Orpington Automatic Driving School only offer ‘1 – 1’ driving tuition and we tailor courses to our clients individual needs.
Driving lessons green tick bulletIf you come to us for an intensive driver training course, we suggest that you first take an assessment driving lesson to establish how much tuition time you will need.  This session should also establish the longest lesson duration you can get the maximum learning from. If you do not do this you may find that you book, and pay for, perhaps 5 hours/day, but you cannot concentrate after the first 2-3 hours – DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY
Orpington Automatic driving school intensive driving lessons

Before you pay for an intensive driving course, take an assessment lesson as long as the driving lessons you want to do in your course.  If you find after 2 – 3 hours, you can no longer concentrate, then if you are paying for 5 hours/day, you will be wasting your money.

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